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Chapter One

(The Contact)

        One splendid morning, in a enormous white mansion, JD Powell woke up in a humongous bed.  He got up out of the bed and got ready for the morning.  He went downstairs, where his butler greeted him.

"Good Morning sir, I assume that you slept well."

"Good Morning, David. Yes, I did."

        JD went into the dining room where his coffee and his breakfast were waiting for him on the coffee table.  Next to the breakfast, there was a newspaper, rolled up, waiting for him.  After he ate breakfast, he went on with the rest of his daily activities.  His job is try to identify all kinds of virus and how to stop them.  Around 6 P.M. in the evening, he went to living room to watch his favorite TV show, "Enterprise."

        One morning, David went to get the newspaper.  On the doorstep, there was a small, strange package addressed to JD with a small letter on top of it marked Urgent. On it, it says, "For JD's eyes only."   There was no return address on it.  David was mystified.  He picked it up and went to the library to give the package to JD.

"Sir, here is your mail."

"But, it’s too early for mail."

"But, sir, there is a small urgent letter with it."

"Thank you, David. Can I have a moment alone?"

        He took a moment to carefully study the package.  He glanced at the letter and immediately knew who it was from.  He tore open the letter.  It read:

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        His eyes widened and said, "Enterprise! Captain Archer needs my help!"  He tore open the package.  Inside, there was a communicator.  He quickly turned it on and spoke into it.

"JD Powell to Captain Archer."

"Captain here.  Thank you for responding to our emergency message."

" I would do anything to help, my friend."

"You see, Dr. Phlox is sick and we have no other medical person on board.  Our database says that you are the only person that knows all about us and you know the most about the viruses.  That's why we chose you for this emergency.  We need you to take care of him and take his place until he is better."

"Can you beam me up?"

"No, but I can arrange a shuttlepod to pick you up in 10 minutes at Marshal Hill."


"Captain Archer out."

        JD called David to get his travel bag out.  He said goodbye to David, took his bag, and rushed out the door and ran to Marshal Hill.  There he saw Commander Tucker standing next to the shuttlepod.

"Mr. Powell?"


"Please get in."

        They both went in the shuttlepod.  JD closed the shuttlepod door, sat down, and buckled up. The Commander pushed a few buttons, and the shuttlepod flew straight into space.  A few moments later, the pod arrived in the Docking Bay.  JD opened the door and stepped out where Captain Archer greeted him.

Chapter Two:  Arrival on Enterprise

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