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Chapter Two

(Arrival On Enterprise)


"How was your trip?"

"Just fine, Captain."

"Ensign Travis will show you to your quarters.  Can we meet in my Ready Room at 1800 hours?"


"T’Pol will come and show you to my Ready Room when it is time for our meeting."


        We all left the Docking Bay.  Ensign Travis led the way with JD behind him.  A while later, they arrived at JD’s quarters.

"Here are your quarters."

"Thank you, Ensign."

        JD went into his quarters and looked around.  It look like standard fleet guest quarters.  He started unpacking his stuff from his travel bag when the door buzzed.

"Come in."

        The door opened and Lieutenant Malcolm stepped in.


"Welcome to Enterprise.  I heard about your arrival.  The Starfleet rules say that all personnel must wear their uniforms.  You will need to wear one of these."

        He gave JD a standard Starfleet uniform and stepped out.  The door closed behind him.  He changed into his uniform.  Then he finished unpacking.  He had a chance to rest until the door buzzed again.

"Come in."

        The door opened and T’Pol stepped in.  JD knew that it was almost time for his meeting.  He followed T’Pol to the Captain’s Ready Room.  Other members of the crew were waiting for them in the hallway.  He pushed a button next to the door.  The door buzzed.

"Come in."

        JD and the crew stepped into the room.  They all sat in their assigned seats, leaving one chair available.  JD sat in the only chair left.

Chapter 3: The Emergency

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